Project MoreInfo – in Odessa

The project foresees install a nameplates with QR-codes beside with monuments, historical and architectural objects.

The project represents a placement of nameplates with QR-codes near the monuments, historical objects of the architecture, socially significant objects, when scanning by mobile device will appear access to the article about these object, allowing to read information about the object without walking away from him and in the absence of tour guide, and on the 7 languages (Ukrainian, English, Russian, German, French, Turkish and Chinese).

Technological component of the Project:

– plates are equipped with QR-code, NFC-tag and GEO-sensor;
– accounting the number of tourists who visited object located close to plate with help of GEO-sensors, accounting the number of tourists who visited object located close to plate, forecast of quantity of tourists for next season, data analysis of tourists, tracking the amount of time spent near the monument and the frequency of visits;
– multilingual;
– system of My Routes – creation of individual routes by the user;
– mobility and high-speed access.

In Odessa, plan to install more 10 plates with the QR-code. Potential objects are following: Odessa National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Potemkin Stairs, Shah’s Palace, Memorial de Ribas, Odessa House of Scientists or Palace of Earl Tolstoy, Vorontsov’s Colonnade, Vorontsov Palace, Odessa Catacombs, Primorsky boulevard, Monument de Richelieu, Teschin bridge, others.

Additional information is available upon request. Information about installed plates please see in the Completed Projects.

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