ECDspace (освітній простір)
Запуск Центру раннього розвиток дітей.
Забезпечення якісної альтернативної опіки, перед- і подальша підготовка.
Objectives of the action:
Main objectives of activities within the framework of the project are the minimization of the number of children separated from their families in the long terms of purposes; and the preparation of alternative programs and human resources for identified and develop full potentials of children, without on depending their family affiliation, in the short terms of purposes.
Overall objectives will achieve by Launch of the Center for Early Childhood Development, which among other things will ensure: the preparation and submit particular recommendations to local and national of government; the process of received early reading & writing skills for a child; preparation of the parents and re-preparation of specialists on alternative of cares of children.
Additional information upon request.