Socio-ecological project «Eco-Dog»
Project for improving the culture of responsibility on cleaning after pets in public areas. Installation of special complexes.
The main purpose of the project – promote social responsibility, aimed at maintaining the cleanliness and sanitary conditions of courtyards, streets, sidewalks, lawns, gardens and parks, and disease prevention; raising the question about culture of walking of dogs for wide discussion.
Background of the project:
The project is caused by the absence culture of dog walking in our region and low administrative responsibility of their owners for the purity of the territory of dog walking.
Uncleared excrements of dog is carrying a dangerous disease – toxocariasis. It is disease of man when in his organism have settled parasites – toxocara who live at dogs. The source of infection is becoming not animals, but the soil with their excrements that containing the eggs of parasites.
Cleaning after a dog is care of owners. It is the owner have an obligation ensure natural needs of the animal in such a way as to not disturb other citizens. In our city, there are such people, but unfortunately, they are a minority. Unfortunately, not every owner of a dog considers necessary to resolve these issues.
Target Group and Partners of Project:
Implementation of Project will affect on active beneficiaries (directly owners of animals) and passive beneficiaries (residents and guests of Odessa city).
Within the project will be involved the manufacturer of special complexes for production and procurement of such complexes (each complex is made from galvanized steel and consists of the 3 functional elements: tank with a lid for 80 liters, dispenser of packets (bio-packs, which decompose in nature for 3 years), information display). As part of this project also will be involved the City Council for ensuring and support of relevant of administrative decisions, including the involvement of appropriate municipal enterprises – for periodic removal of packages (cleaning of each tank) and placement of social advertising. Installation of the complex is planned at the municipal lands, which will lead to transfer of on the balance sheet of the municipality through appropriate serving utility company, on which will be assigned by the city council for the proper maintenance.
The budget of the pilot project (for the implementation of the pilot location) – 1,500.00 USD
Sources of Financing – grant funding, other forms of irreversible and uncompensated financing, funds of private investors, other.
Additional information upon request.